Syed Fazal Ahmed—A Beloved Person

Qasim Shams, A Tifl from Baltimore

My name is Qasim Shams son of Mansoor Shams, a 12-year old member of Baltimore Jama’at. A couple of days ago my beloved Fazal Sahib passed away. He showed me so much love; he was like a father or grandfather to me. I would like to share some of the memories I had with Fazal Sahib from a 3-week Hifz camp in Willingboro, NJ last year.

In those 3 weeks I developed a relationship with him that would never break even after his demise. Every time I recited the Holy Qur’an, he always looked happy and complimented me. He fell in love with my recitation. He sent me to his wife downstairs who corrected my pronunciation.

I remember I would make tea for him whenever he needed it. When all the kids played, I spent some of my time with Fazal Sahib. Once at the Hifz camp, I was having a problem with other children in the sleeping area at nighttime, Fazal Sahib talked to me and helped me out, and even offered me to bring my sleeping bag and sleep next to him.

One time at the Hifz camp these kids took cookies from the mosque and hid them under their pillows and ate them. We weren’t supposed to tell anyone. I tried not to tell anyone, but Fazal Sahib and I had such a close relationship that every time I went by him I felt guilty so then I told him that we took the cookies and he said, "It’s okay Beta (son)." That was the humble, sweet, loving, and caring person who Fazal Sahib was. Every time I saw Fazal Sahib it made me happy.

When I told Fazal Sahib that his nephew was being too strict with me he calmly told his nephew not to.

I asked him if we could go to Six Flags next Hifz camp. He asked if we could go somewhere else? I said I wanted to go to Six Flags and he said, “OK we can go Insha’allah.” I was hoping to see him at the next Hifz camp.

When we were leaving the Hifz camp he said that I should come visit him. I said Insha’allah, and we kept hugging each other while saying Assalamualaikum. He told me he would never forget my name. He told us that he was sick and asked us to pray for him.

A few months after the Hifz camp, I called Fazal Sahib. I asked him about his health; he told me it was not good and requested prayers. So, we said Salam to each other and I said Insha’allah your health will get better. That was the last time I talked to him.

Fazal Sahib was one of the most kind, nice, sweet and humble person I knew. I love him so so so much. It really made me burst into tears after I heard the sad news of his passing. Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un. He will always be remembered. May Allah grant him high status in paradise, Ameen.