An Amazing Experience
By the grace of Almighty Allah, I had the opportunity to attend the 40th Jalsa Salana of Canada held on October 7-9, 2016. I would like to share an incident that amazed me and increased my gratitude and belief.
On the second day of the Jalsa, when I return to my hotel I realized that I had lost my wallet which had 3 credit cards, 2 money orders of about $1500, and around $1300 cash. I was a little upset for a while but then decided not to spoil the purpose of the visit and requested my family and friends for prayers. The next day, after the concluding address of Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper), I checked with the Lost & Found department and left my contact information with them.
After the conclusion of the Jalsa, we started our travel back to Milwaukee at 2 PM. I was thinking that the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him) had offered special prayers for those who attend Jalsa Salana and this Jalsa was very special because of the presence of our beloved Khalifah. I was less worried about the material loss and more focused on the prayers of the Promised Messiah for Jalsa attendees.
Around 5 PM, before even crossing the border, I received a phone call from my niece in Milwaukee that someone named Rafiq Sahib (security in charge of Langar Khana) found my wallet in Peace Village. I was so amazed and my heart was filled with gratitude. I had just experienced a sign of acceptance of prayers of the Promised Messiah.
We are so fortunate to be a part of this blessed Jama’at that has been blessed with amazing trustworthy people. I found out that Rafiq Sahib had made a great deal of effort to get my contact information. May Allah reward him abundantly, Ameen.