An Upward Journey

Imran Hayee, Sadr Majlis

Dear Ansar Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah

Ten years ago, I was a Khadim and loved being a Khadim. I even put forward a Shura proposal in my last year of MKA for trying to increase the age limit of a Khadim. I was in love with MKA and did not want to leave it at any cost because I did not know what lied ahead. Since I joined Majlis Ansarullah, I have received similar or in some cases much more love and respect from my Ansar brothers that I can't explain in words. I can just tell you that my heart is ecstatic and is filled with gratitude to Almighty Allah for granting me such an addictive environment of brotherhood in Majlis Ansarullah.

I am not saying this because I have been entrusted with the responsibility of Sadr Majlis Ansarullah USA but because I have enjoyed Majlis Ansarullah for the past 9 years as a happy follower without worrying about how to steer. In fact, now, I am not sure how to prepare myself for taking this enormous responsibility. I am still not ready to take the driving seat but I will draw my strength from your brotherhood and prayers as well as from the continuous guidance of Hazrat Khalifatul-Masih (may Allah be his helper) to carry out this immense responsibility, Insha’allah.

I would also like to take this opportunity to say Jazakumullah to our very dear brother, Dr. Faheem Younus Qureshi Sahib for tirelessly leading this Majlis for the last 4 years. Sadr Sahib, you showed us how to carry out Huzoor’s instructions with the utmost humility and diligence. May Almighty Allah abundantly reward you and your family for their countless sacrifices. Although the command of this caravan is changing now and it could change again after two years but that does not mean that our brotherhood is going to be affected by this. We will be working in the same brotherly spirit regardless how our roles transform, Insha’allah.

At the end, my dear brothers, I would like to remind you the promise of Almighty Allah which He has made with the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and his true followers:

Surely every hour that follows is better for thee than the one that precedes. (The Holy Qur’an, 93 [Al-Duha]:5)

Majlis Ansarullah USA will ride on this promise and keep progressing with each passing day, Insha’allah. Please don’t be mistaken though! This upward journey is bound to happen but it’s not because of “me” or because of “you.” It’s only because of “us” working as a team united under the umbrella of Khilafat. This is the only recipe of success.

My dear brothers, let’s keep praying and striving to remain united and enjoy being part of this upward journey ahead. May Almighty Allah be with us all, Ameen.

With love and prayers,


Imran Hayee
Humbly serving Majlis Ansarullah USA