Diamond Jubilee of Majlis Ansarullah
Dear Ansar Brothers,
As-Salamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah
As we mark the 75 years of the establishment of Majlis Ansarullah, it’s time for us to pray and reflect. May Allah make it a blessed occasion for all of you and your families, Ameen.
Please see this special issue of Al-Fazl with a wealth of knowledge and history. We are translating this issue into English for the benefit of our non-Urdu speaking brothers.
To refresh your memory, Majlis Ansarullah, USA is joining our international Ansar family in this diamond jubilee with the following programs:
- Monthly congregational Tahajjud Prayers are being offered/encouraged in every Majlis.
- A 75-year commemorative edition of Al-Nahl is in the works. The print version will be available at National Ijtima 2015, Insha’allah.
- Majlis is also humbly submitting a gift of $75,000 to Hazrat Khalifatul Masih V (may Allah be his helper) at this momentous occasion. Without Khilafat, we have no spiritual existence.
Please pray that Almighty Allah accepts our humble efforts, make us the true “Ansar”, and grant us acceptance in His court, Ameen.
With deep respect and love for all of you my brothers,
Faheem Younus Qureshi
Serving Majlis Ansarullah, USA