Increasing Monthly Meeting Attendance

Baltimore Majlis

Alhamdulillah, the attendance has generally been good in our Ansar general meeting here in the Baltimore Majlis but nothing like what we are experiencing in the last 12 months or so. When you see nearly 30 brothers sitting in a conference room with almost no vacant chair, when you see an 85-year-old Nasir contributing to the discussion just as much as a 45-year-old, you know something has gone terribly right.

Baltimore Majlis' general meeting held on Feb. 4, 2018

Here are a few practical things we believe have worked for the Baltimore Majlis:

  • Holding the monthly Ansar meetings on the exact same date and time every month—after Zuhr Prayer on the first Sunday of every month.
  • Synchronizing our auxiliary meetings so Lajna, Khuddam, and Ansar all hold meetings at the same time to keep the family unit together.
  • Closely following the interactive meeting format and materials provided by National and not doing “our own thing.”
  • Za’im Majlis does a great job of involving new members. Agenda is distributed within a few Ansar, making interaction easy.

In the end, it is the Almighty Allah who blesses our efforts. We pray that Almighty Allah may continue to strengthen our brotherhood, Ameen.