Chaudhry Umar Din Khan
Darvesh Qadian

Respected Chaudhry Umar Din Khan (Darvesh Qadian # 34) passed away on December 05, 2016 in Fresno, California at the age of 97, Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji‘un. He was son of Chaudhry Muhammad Khan Sahib Firozpuri and son-in-law of Maulawi Fazal Din Bunghwi. He took Bai’at at the hand of Hazrat Muslih Mau‘ud (may Allah be pleased with him) in 1946.

July 18, 2015 - Umar Din Khan Sahib with his two sons, Chaudhry Naseeruddin Khan and Chaudhry Nasir M. Khan

When he took Bai’at at the hands of Hazrat Muslih Mau‘ud he was asked by Hazrat Muslih Mau‘ud to live in Qadian, because he was needed there. Chaudhry Umar Din Khan Sahib was still employed by British army. Saying Labbaik to the call of Hazrat Muslih Mau‘ud he went back and resigned right away from the army and came back to settle down in Qadian.

For our new members, Darvesh Qadian are 313 volunteers who stayed behind in Qadian to protect the city —at the instruction of Hazrat Muslih Mau‘ud—at the time of India and Pakistan partition in 1947, while other Muslims left for Pakistan for a brighter future, to practice their own Islamic values. Chaudhry Umar din Khan Sahib volunteered himself for this noble cause, having had British military background from second world war. The purpose of these volunteers was to protect all the Ahmadiyya historical buildings and properties from Sikhs and non-Muslims, who had already told that they will finish Qadian and take all its bricks and through them in the river. They brave men had no weapons and were without their families.

He served Hazrat Muslih Mau‘ud as his driver and later Mirza Waseem Ahmad Sahib (late Amir of Qadian) as his driver. Chaudhry Umar Din Khan Sahib was a Musi, (Wasiyyat number 9467, making him among the first 10,000 Musiyan).

Since he came to USA in 1984 he was part of Merced Chapter, California. He was the most regular Chanda paying member and always paid Chanda on time. Before his sickness he always attended all local Jama’at meetings and travelled to attend Jalsa Salana even though he did not understood English.

Chaudhry Umar Din Khan Sahib was a historic personality, had many historic events in his life time. His son-in-law, respected Abdur Raqeeb Wali, President Merced Chapter, is the first African American who got married to a lady form Qadian, who is the eldest daughter of Chaudhry Sahib.

Umar Din Khan Sahib is survived by his two sons Chaudhry Naseeruddin Khan and Chaudhry Nasir M. Khan of Fresno, California and four daughters, Rifat Wali Sahiba of Merced, Shaukat Jallal Sahiba of Las Vegas, Zainat Dar Sahiba of Chino, CA and Malika M. Ahmad Sahiba of Las Vegas and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren, all living in USA. Of the 313 Darvesh Qadian, only 3 are living now whom we should remember in our prayers.

May God Almighty raise the status of the departed soul in paradise. Ameen.