Inspiring Jalsa Salana

Mohammed Fytahi, Indiana

A Nau Muba’i‘ brother of Indiana Visits UK Jalsa

The UK Jalsah Salanah is a source of blessings and spiritual uplift for everyone attending this blessed event where Khalifatul Masih blesses the event with his presence and discourses and tens of thousands of believers flock from around the globe. A Nau Muba’i‘ brother, Mohammed Fytahi of Indiana Majlis, had the good fortune to attend the UK Jalsah Salanah 2013. His experience is shared in the following in his own words:

Jalsah Salanah is for only three days but it feels much more in one way, and short in another. You learn a lot from meeting people from different parts of the world. This makes you learn what would otherwise take years. Therefore, the three days feel like years. On the other hand, when you are about to leave the place you feel that you just got there and your stay was not long enough; you leave your beloved Imam and dear brothers behind.

I spent the whole day Friday, the first day of Jalsah, looking for Arabs but I could not find any. At the end of the session, Imam Azhar Haneef took me to a tent which was called the Arab Tent. There, I found a crowd of about 200 people listening to an Arabic speech. I was so happy that I had tears in my eyes.

When the speech was over, I started meeting these Arabs from different countries who were surprised to know that I was there from the U.S. Then I realized even more how fortunate I was to be a Nasir belonging to Majlis Ansarullah, USA.

The stay at the Jami‘ah of people visiting from different parts of the world during the Jalsah days had created a surreal ambiance. I would spend the day at Hadeeqatul Mahdi listening to different speeches and spend most of the night conversing with brothers from various countries, especially the Arabs. We would talk most of the time about the Jama‘at and its progress. I had a chance to meet the president of the Jama‘at in Morocco and was very anxious to know how Moroccans were accepting Ahmadiyyat.

When I walked through the gate of the Fazl Mosque, I had such a strange feeling that there are no words to express it fully. I felt an ideal peace that made me give up the thought of all the worldly relations including the familial ones.

The fifty-member American delegation had an opportunity of a Mulaqat (meeting) with Huzoor (may Allah be his helper). We took turns to speak. Most of us were emotional with tears in our eyes. I had many things to say but when my turn came, all that I could say was: “This is my third try to come to the Jalsah and Alhamdulillah…I am here this year.” and then I started crying. I shook hands with Huzoor and Huzoor asked me a couple of questions.

It does not matter what your spiritual status is, when you go to the UK Jalsah Salanah, you reach a higher status and you feel like you are born again. Therefore, I encourage everyone who can afford the expense to go to the UK Jalsah Salanah. For those who cannot afford it, pray and request Huzoor’s prayers; surely you will get there one day and benefit from the blessings of the presence of Huzoor.

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