Writing to Hazoor
How to develop the habit in children to write to Huzoor?
Naser Noor, LA Inland Majlis
Writing letters to Khalifatul-Masih (may Allah be his helper) is a form of communication that is based on the love of Khilafat. Letter allows one to have a very close and personal relationship with Khilafat. To build this personal relationship with Khilafat, we should ask our children to write to Huzoor quite often. For young children, frequency can vary but asking them to write once a month would be a good start.
The letter should always start with a brief introduction followed by the body of the letter. Students should write about their current progress in the school, requesting for guidance from Huzoor. I request my children to write their letters to Huzoor in a conversational style just like if you are having a conversation. In my opinion, this form of letter writing helps strengthen their relationship with Khalifatul-Masih.
While children are waiting for a response, we should ask them to pray for Huzoor and recite Durud upon Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him). Once they receive the letter, we should ask them to keep Huzoor’s responses in a separate folder and highlight any of Huzoor’s comments or advices.
Following are some other tips to regularize the habit of children’s writing to Huzoor:
Preferably, there should be a calendar—inside the child’s room or in a common area, such as on a refrigerator in the kitchen—where a date is preselected to write a letter to Huzoor. On that day, parents can make it a special event; for example, bake cookies and write letter to Huzoor. Cousins or Jama’at friends could be invited as well. Basically, it could be made a special occasion.
During the month, children could keep record of anything special such as good grades, low score on a test, low/high standing in an Ijtima’ competition, etc. Essentially, they should keep track any good or bad experiences which they could share with Huzoor in their letter.
Letters to Huzoor are a form of face-to-face conversation. Therefore, the child should be encouraged to write it as such and to share everything with Huzoor.
A letter from a Waqf-i-Nau child is like a monthly report to Huzoor. Here he or she shares his or her progress with Huzoor and seeks guidance.
When children receive their reply from Huzoor, only they should be allowed to open the letter. They should then be asked to underline Huzoor’s guidance and make a note of it. This way, in the next letter they could report back to Huzoor on how they followed Huzoor’s guidance and what the outcome was.