A Righteous Soul
      Does Not Need
      Many Miracles

Mohammad Hanif Koya, Oakland, CA

A relative of mine went to perform her first Hajj. She had had read some of the Jama‘at’s literature in the past and was impressed by the teachings of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him). When she was leaving for Hajj, I asked her to inform me if she saw any dream during her Hajj.

One morning, she called me from Mecca. She told me that she had seen a dream and was quite puzzled. She said that in her dream she saw that the Holy Prophet (may peace and blessings of Allah be on him) was performing Hajj, but the person she saw performing Hajj was actually Mirza Sahib. I said, “Alhamdulillah.” I explained to her that Mirza Sahib has repeatedly referred to himself as a “Burooz” or true reflection of the Holy Prophet, and as such Mirza Sahib's performing Hajj is as if the Holy Prophet himself is performing Hajj and therefore what she saw in the dream was in fact true.

The Promised Messiah has profusely expressed his love and devotion for the Holy Prophet throughout his writings and poems acknowledging that whatever has been bestowed on him by the Almighty is due to his complete subservience to his master, the Holy Prophet, as is evident by the following couplet from a poem of the Promised Messiah.

Translation: Thy peace and blessings on Mustafa, innumerable times, for Allah be praised, it is from him, alone, I have received this marvelous light.

Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa barik wa sallim innaka Hamidun-Majid (O Allah, bless Muhammad and prosper him and grant him peace; Thou art Praiseworthy and Glorious).

It is amazing how Allah Almighty guides people through dreams towards the Imam of the age. Many righteous souls benefit from this and accept the truth but some unfortunate ones do not heed to this guidance. Unfortunately, latter was true in case of my relative. In spite of the clear guidance from Allah Almighty, my relative did not join the fold of Ahmadiyyat.

Translation: A righteous soul does not need many miracles; only one sign suffices if one fears Allah. (A couplet from a poem of the Promised Messiah)

May Allah Almighty continue to guide people towards Ahmadiyyat and enable the righteous souls to accept the Imam of the age. Amin.