Testimony of an

"Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was an ocean of knowledge..."

Rashid Arshed, Los Angeles

The staff room environment was always lively and noisy. There were heated discussions on one subject or the other. Someone would bring up a point and everyone on the teaching staff would share his views. There was much fervor when a religious topic was brought up. I was the only Ahmadi on the staff so most of the questions were directed at me.

Among the staff was a teacher named Muhammad Tahir Khan who belonged to Jama’at Islami, a political party in the garb of religion that has an extremist agenda and propagates violence to achieve its objectives. Tahir Khan would often debate with me on my beliefs and on the claims of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him).

One day, after a heated debate, he suddenly mellowed down and related the following story:

“My grandfather had a chance to visit Qadian and be in the company of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He would say that Mirza Ghulam Ahmad was an ocean of knowledge and that he was very eloquent when he spoke on an issue. My grandfather also said that there was always a halo around the face of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. However, he did not convert to Ahmadiyyat.”

How unfortunate!