A True Helper
     of Allah

A True Helper of Allah - Dr. Mehdi Ali Qamar Shaheed

Azra Ahmad, New Orleans

Dr. Mehdi visited me with his family about one year ago. He told us that he was going to Rabwah for Waqf ‘Arzi in Tahir Heart Institute. He asked me, “Do you need anything from Pakistan? Please let us know and we will be delighted to bring it for you.” I asked if he could bring me Fifty Yassarnal Qur’an and Fifty Tarteelul Qur’an. He said, “That’s it? This is nothing; please let us know what else you want and we will bring it for you.” I said, “Jazakumullah. This is all I need.”

Later, one day as I opened the main door of my house, I saw a big box of FedEx sitting outside, bearing my name and address. I was astonished to see 100 books in the package for my students. I prayed from the bottom of my heart for Dr. Mehdi and his family. I sent the books to Nasirat of Austin, Dallas, and Houston. I gave these books to a lot of people.

The mothers of these students were praying for the person who had sent these books for them. May Allah bless the soul of Dr. Mehdi Ali Qamar Shaheed. Amin.

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