Your Progeny Will Be Blessed with Water Canals

Amir Jat, Dallas

This story was recently related to me by an elderly brother in Vancouver, Canada. This is about my grandfather Muhammad Baksh, but I was not aware of this at all until he told me. My grandfather was a poor man and a companion of the Promised Messiah (may peace be on him). Once he was serving the Promised Messiah while Huzoor was taking rest. At one point, when the Promised Messiah fell asleep, my grandfather gently slipped some coins under his pillow. It was very small amount—6 Aannas. The Promised Messiah suddenly woke up and realized what my grandfather had done. Huzoor enquired why it was done in such a way. My grandfather explained that he had this strong wish to support the mission of the Promised Messiah but he could only find so much money and that he was so embarrassed to offer such a small amount that he decided to place it under the pillow while the Promised Messiah was asleep.

The Promised Messiah was very pleased with the honesty and sincerity of this follower and prayed for him. The Promised Messiah said to him, “Your progeny will be blessed with water canals.” To have a water canal meant that one will be a landlord with own canals to water his crops. At that time, this Muhammad Baksh was a poor man and probably could not have even dreamt of owning a farmland. But later—as the Promised Messiah had foretold—Allah blessed him so much that all his five sons became rich landowners and each of them had their own water canals too.

We are all eager to save money in banks and stock markets for the benefit of our progeny. But it is the spending in the way of Allah and the belief in the unseen that finally yield the bigger returns in terms of Allah’s immense blessings.